Ahhhh the hot, humid weather is still not letting up here in Brisbane.

I really want to be taking a cool dip at the beach.  But first a little hair removal on the legs!!

Secret Skin Studio now has three different options for customers to choose from. 

-A standard leg wax. Efficient and soothed by the after care lotion. 

approx 30 mins $36

-A traditional leg sugar. Which although takes longer - is often more comfortable as the hairs is removed in the direction of hair growth. It is water soluble and usually results in less ingrowns too.

approx 50 mins $64

-NOW a cross between the two. An efficient treatment called the express strip leg sugar. 

This uses an all natural water based product that is vegan friendly too. It is used like a strip wax but has the benefits of sugar. As it is water soluble a hot towel can be used afterwards to remove any sticky residue.

approx 35 mins $41


There is no right or wrong type of waxing. Each has a place depending on the customers preference, budget, time available, skin reaction and type of hair.  If you do a little exfoliation in the shower and moisturise a couple of times per week, then you will see better results from your wax/sugar treatment and less ingrowns.

If you are unsure which treatment is best for you - then we can simply discuss it at your next booking and go from there. 

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