Microdermabrasion - The Different types

Professional Treatments

When having "microdermabrasion" you may find the treatment varies from salon or clinic.

Diamond microdermabrasion is an effective tool that "sandpapers" off the surface of the skin with a diamond tip and suction. This is good for mild acne, fine lines, lightening the appearance of the skin (a luminous glow) and improving the appearance of enlarged pores. 

Crystal microdermabrasion projects aluminium oxide crystals at the skin, blasting away the top layer and suction. It is better suited to target acne scarring, underlying pigment and deeper lines and ridges in the skin. It does however require additional aftercare and risk of hyperpigmentation.
Be sure to clarify exactly what treatment you are choosing to have, wherever you go. At Secret Skin Studio both treatments are offered depending on the skin concern and skin suitability.

 Both treatments are often used alternated with chemical peels 3-4 weeks apart as part of a treatment plan to target general ageing concerns. Wrinkles, skin laxity, age spots and pigmentation. It is also used to assist with mild to moderate acne conditions. Treatment products will penetrate more successfully after microdermabrasion.

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