Elizabeth gives some simple tips to prep the skin for a smooth make-up application that lasts.

Robert Jones is an absolute master of the make-up industry. He has published several books for professionals. This video is designed for mature ladies however many of the basic principles still apply for skin of all ages. 


Wayne Goss is not only a great make-up artist. He provides easy to understand  instructions on application technique. This video is a fantastic way to learn a basic eye application without being overwhelmed. Remember it's only make-up - it can be wiped off and re-applied.


Once you feel confident with a basic shadow application. It's time to have a bit of fun with a bronze evening look.

Fernando Hervas shows a quick, no fuss application. 


Mia Connor is one of the best Make-up artists in Australia. Known for her "glowing skin" and "smoky eye" looks.  She travels Internationally to run workshops for professionals. Occasionally she runs workshops on the gold coast for ladies that want to update their own personal make-up application - if you ever see these rare sessions advertised then it's well worth the effort to attend.

Elizabeth's top picks for easy make-up.....

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