Fruit in skincare



So what does a plate of papaya have to do with skincare?

Papaya extract is one of the ingredients commonly found in enzyme masks.

It is a power house that works to chemically exfoliate the skin, soften and refine. I use a professional enzyme peeling mask in approx 80% of my facial treatments. This can include acne skins, sun damaged, thin and even rosacea. The key is the complimentary ingredients in the mask. The best professional formulations allow the therapist to customise each treatment and can be used in different ways with various equipment for maximum results. With steam/without, before extractions, after physical exfoliants, prior to ultrasonic and microcurrent.

For in between home treatments there is a range of ezymatic masks on the market. These won't be the $1.50 ones on sale at your discount department stores. Neither is it the gel type of creams that you leave on - these products will only dry out your skin. In this instance, you really do get what you pay for.

Enzyme masks can include a variety of fruit extracts like papaya, mango, pineapple and strawberry. Ask your therapist the ideal way to use for your skin. For teenage skin it may need to only be used for 5 minutes but massaged and worked into the skin. For a more mature, sun damaged skin it may need at least 20 minutes without massage. An enzyme mask should always be removed with a warm face cloth and followed with a hydrating, nourishing product like an intense moisturiser. 

My recommendation for an at home enzyme mask is the Natural Look Refining mask. Secret Skin Studio Price $35.00

Great for assisting to reduce congestion, pigmentation, a dull complexion and excessive oily skin.

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